A documentation/publication of Dhaka through automobiles and people, with the medium of coffee table - interactive cards.

Design Brief
Poetic narrative and photo series of vehicles and people.
A narrative of the rarely discussed emotional connections individuals create with their
cars, delving into the bonds that extend beyond tools and machinery. In this context,
cars transform into expressions of our personalities, dreams, and cherished memories.

This narrative series aims to uncover the intimate anecdotes that unveil the
deep emotional attachments people form with their automobiles.

I wanted records to feel personal, almost as if the viewer is in the place and observing the
city through my eyes, hence the choice of a fixed lens and certain aesthetic choices to
make it comfortable to adapt to.

The Project was divided into 7 sections which best represented Dhaka in my view. I wanted it to give the feeling of archives and something personal, almost as if one can relate to these stories, while also making it feel distant and questionable like a magazine’s cover page

Picture this: the steady hum of engines, the classic and sleek body lines of automotive design, and the distinctive presence of Japanese craftsmanship. It’s as if Dhaka’s vehicle culture has come into view as a mini version of Japan. Ultimately, This glory is due to the marvellous take over of Japanese vehicles in the land of Dhaka.

(top and bottom) Pages from process document

The closest to something that I wanted for respresentation was Kolkata. during
research I realised, Kolkata has the tradition to keep their vehicles for a long
period of time, usually maintaining some character and emotion across all their
Due to no conclusive result in all the 4 cities, I ended up with Dhaka as my choice.
Dhaka is the city where I grew up and fell in love with cars with, it would provide me
with a narrative that’s rich and interesting. In a traditional Indian point of view.
Dhaka is the closest to Kolkata in terms of the character and feeling of the place.
Dhaka has several small narratives which has their own interesting points.

Front and backside of the cards represented below

Our Story
As it stands, these are just 7 cards representing 84 cards from 7 different topics, making it a coffee table experience.